iOS Versions
v1.2.6 (May 14th, 2015)
- Added 0.25°x0.25° GFS GRIB download option
- Fix for iOS8 bug where starting app in landscape mode renders part of the screen inactive
- Fix sizing of popover in Map View
- Fix for Refresh GRIB downloading incorrect GRIB on iOS8
- Meteogram display improvements
- Pointer coordinate optimisation required due to Mercator projection
- Bug fixes and workarounds for iOS8
- Increased pointer accuracy in iOS7 – issue was caused by the removal of the status bar
- Fixed rotation of iOS 5 devices
- Fixed crash on opening of external GRIB
- Fixed crash on resuming after 4 hours
- iOS7 version
- 500mb height parameter added
- Fix crashing issue with iOS7 which occurs when drawing pressure isobars
- Support for BOLAM model (
- Basic offline maps
- Pressure maps now label Highs (H) and Lows (L)
- Update weather info whilst panning and zooming
- Allow Dj/Di to be signed to support zyGrib GRIB files
- Auto deletion of GRIB files now happens when app comes to the foreground
- Stop measuring pins from being draggable
- Fixed transparency slider problem on iPhone
- Basic measuring tool (iPad only)
- Larger pointer used on weather map screen
- Isobar interval can be set to 5mb
- Wind barb legend now correct for m/s units
- Larger text in weather info display on iPad
- Flags on wind barbs are now around the correct way for the southern hemisphere
- Fix to move map scale higher on the screen on iPad
- Fix loading of GRIBs with left hand border of 180 deg (instead of -180)
- Fixed crash when there is only one period of precipitation in the GRIB
- Drawing optimisations
- BSH Current GRIBs removed from catalog due to problems with the BSH generating corrupt GRIB files
- Graph of wave period (Antoine)
- Support for additional languages-German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Russian
- Legend/key for pressure now shows correctly for inches of mercury (inHg)
- Faster drawing of weather layers
- Graph labels always stay on screen
- Fixed direction of current arrows in Meteogram
- Fix problem with loading currents
Android Versions
- New buttons to step thru the dates/times (for tablets or phones in landscape mode)
- Wind barb legend now correct for m/s units
- Larger pointer which is easier to see
- Stop dateSeekBar causing index out of bounds error
- Fix for GRIBs with only one date period in Meteogram
- Lite version initial release
- Extra help documentation
- Fixed crash when resuming app having last been on the Meteogram or Data Table screens

£3.49 / €4.99 / US$5.99